Best Organic Coconut Oil To Buy


Usually the word Organic can be associated with expensive and will warrant some sacrifices – sometimes huge – on your part to include in your budget.  This, however, is not the case with Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.  The Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is one of the most affordable and widely used brands of coconut oil and will easily become a staple for you and your family because of its many uses.


As a newbie to the Organic world myself, I had to do my due diligence and research into what really makes the Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, or anything else for that matter, organic.  To be considered organic, according to the USDA, the product must comply with the following standards:

1.       Produced without excluded methods

2.       Produced using allowed substances

3.       Followed all USDA certification regulations

Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is USDA certified organic as it complies with all the regulations listed above.

Special Features

Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil takes things a step further and can even be called extra as the oil is extracted from the coconuts by cold pressing.  This cold pressing allows the coconut oil to be even closer to the form nature intended by retaining its natural aroma, flavor and nutritional value.  

The taste and even the scent of Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil are further enhanced by the origin of the coconuts used to make the oil.  This product only uses coconuts which are grown in the tropic and volcano nutrient rich soil of the Philippines.  The marriage of this soil and the coconuts infuses the oil with compounds which provide the amazing health benefits seen with everyday use of this coconut oil.   

Another great feature that makes Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil an excellent choice for you and your family is that it is also Gluten Free.  Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is also considered a kosher product. Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil can be safely incorporated into your everyday usage from cooking to skin care.  This is because Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil does not contain Bleach, Hexane, Pesticides or Trans-Fats.  It does contain MCT(s) or Medium Chain Triglycerides which help with boosting your metabolism to manage your weight by increasing your ability to burn off fat.


It may be easier to highlight what Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil cannot be used for -  and even then it may be a stretch - as Coconut Oil can and is used for just about anything one can think of.  Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is even more potent and beneficial because of the cold press method used to extract the coconut oil. 

My favorite use for this organic coconut oil is all, hands down, I literally use it from head to toe for myself and my family.  Coconut oil is intricately integrated into our daily use and Viva Natural Organics ExtraVirgin Coconut Oil makes it so easy as it is easily absorbed into the skin and has a great taste and smell that is not overwhelming.  Here are some of our daily uses of this amazing coconut oil:

·         Toothpaste – yes that is correct, coconut oil actually can be used as toothpaste as it is soothes gum inflammation, does not erode enamel and is anti-bacterial.

·         Oil Pulling – this is not what you think, oil pulling is really basically just using coconut oil as a mouthwash but for up to 30 minutes at a time.  As one of the coconut oil benefits is minimizing tooth decay, doing this can even reverse the effects of cavities and maintain your dental health.

·         Hair Growth & Maintenance – organic coconut oil contains Lauric Acid which helps to strengthen and grow hair.

·         Skin care – coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer and its antifungal properties help with eczema flare ups as well.

·         Cooking – coconut oil has high naturally saturated fats which lower risks of heart disease

Although coconut oil can be used for hair, skin care, cooking, weight management and even oral health, there is actually a con to using it for every day family use.  As Coconut Oil has a melting point of 76o F it natural state is usually solid, which can be a bit of a nuisance in using it sometimes.  Some persons are also allergic to coconut oil, so ensure that you test yourself and your family members before including it into your everyday use.  

Overall, Viva Natural Organics Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is the best step forward for you and your family’s journey into better health with organic products.



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