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What Are the 7 Things You Need for a Balanced Diet?

  It is becoming more apparent that just eating healthy is not all that is required, in fact our diet should be balanced. While pineapples, bananas and Greek salad may all be very healthy, it can become quite boring. Your health and wellness goal should not be to eat only fruits, but to make your diet complete and varied. We have looked more closely at the question of what really constitutes a healthy diet. In this short article, you will discover seven things you need for a balanced diet. 1. Variety is the spice of life It is time to bid adieu to the notion that certain foods should be prohibited. Consuming a full variety of foods will help with a balanced diet as long as you pay attention to their nutrients and energy content. Your choice should consist of an appropriate quantity and combination of nutrient-rich and low-energy foods. Where possible, you should not eat too many pre-prepared foods or fast food. 2. Are good carbs real? Bread, noodles, potatoes and rice are

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